Toddler Playing with Watering Hose

What a 3-Year-Old Can Teach You About Finding Better Solutions
Learn how asking “why” can lead to better outcomes

“A person soon learns how little he knows when a child begins to ask questions.” — Richard L. Evans Kids don’t know it yet, but they have the secret to arriving at better outcomes. A 3-year-old constantly asking “why” may be annoying, but let’s face it, they eventually lead us to rethink what we know. Our […]

What a 3-Year-Old Can Teach You About Finding Better Solutions

Learn how asking “why” can lead to better outcomes
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Image represents choices

What if Government Programs Had Competition?
Why you should develop applications people would choose, even if they don’t have a choice

Do you know anyone that’s ever had a bad experience with a government program, website, or service? Poor user experiences aren’t isolated to government interaction, but government presents a distinct challenge that contributes to this problem — the service isn’t competitive. What if we managed them as if they were? When We Don’t Have a

What if Government Programs Had Competition?

Why you should develop applications people would choose, even if they don’t have a choice
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People gathered around being coached

Need More Time At Work? Spend More Time Coaching Your Team
You don’t coach your people because you don’t have time. Perhaps you don’t have time, because you don’t coach your people.

I have rarely met a manager that wasn’t swamped daily with meetings, emails, and fires to put out. If this is you, keeping your head above water is your primary objective day-to-day. Forget about being proactive, you can barely react to the unexpected, which occurs daily. This often requires early mornings, working through lunch, late

Need More Time At Work? Spend More Time Coaching Your Team

You don’t coach your people because you don’t have time. Perhaps you don’t have time, because you don’t coach your people.
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Girl Kissing Beagle Dog

What My Beagle Taught Me about Problem Solving
A step-by-step approach to uncovering the right solution to the right problem

I have a Beagle. His name is Charlie. This story of Charlie, and his bark, is going to help us think about our approach to problems and solutions. More specifically, this story about Charlie will reveal how easy it is to recommend the wrong, or less optimal, solution because we often focus on the wrong

What My Beagle Taught Me about Problem Solving

A step-by-step approach to uncovering the right solution to the right problem
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Girl shooting arrow at target

3 Reasons You’re Missing the Point of Agile
Why the push for being on time will get you off track

Very few organizations need to be sold on Agile these days. It seems everyone has moved in that direction one way or another. The question is, are they going to Agile for the right reasons? The data1, as well as my experience, suggests that despite already “doing Agile,” many organizations do not understand what Agile

3 Reasons You’re Missing the Point of Agile

Why the push for being on time will get you off track
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Surfer wiping out

Achieve Better Quality Through Quantity
3 key principles to produce better software products

In the book, Art & Fear: Observations On the Perils (and Rewards) of Artmaking, a story is told of a ceramics teacher that ran an interesting experiment. He told half his students they would be graded solely on the quantity of their work. The more they produced, the higher their grade. The other half were

Achieve Better Quality Through Quantity

3 key principles to produce better software products
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