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Pursuing Timeless Agility & Product-Led Government

My Books

Pursuing Timeless Agility

Challenged me to rethink how business is done!
I recommend for all managers! – John B.
With this book, you will:
  • Learn the mistakes of “common wisdom,” and how to avoid them
  • Identify which mistakes you are currently making
  • Understand management’s role in Agile transformation
  • Learn to transform the right things, for the right reasons
  • Redefine what success looks like; develop success measures that matter
What Others Are Saying…

“I see so many of the challenges my organization is facing in this book…This would be a great ‘book club’ book for your product team or program managers leading Agile transformation in any organization.”

“No matter at what level you work at in an organization that is involved in any way with software development, you need to read this book.”

“Jimmie has a knack for challenging the common wisdom and helping teams think differently about what success looks like.”

“Buy one book for yourself and one for your boss!”

“As an industry veteran who has spent his whole career in some facet of software development, I kept saying to myself, yep, we made that mistake or yep, I’ve seen that happen.”

Product-Led Government

Coming in 2024

According to the Global Trust Imperative report, about 75% of respondents state that government services should be similar to or better than leading private sector organizations. The report indicates people directly associate trust in their government with how well their government delivers digital services. Yet only 12% of customers say digital services offered by the government are meeting their needs.

The result of poor customer experience is that agencies are unnecessarily wasting money on operational inefficiencies, investing in less effective solutions, and falling short of meeting the full intent of their missions.

Bottom line: Agile is not enough. What government needs is a product-led strategy.

To learn more about Product-Led Government, subscribe to my LinkedIn newsletter and join my Timeless Insights email list to get fresh insights, pre-release content, and special offers for the upcoming book, Product-Led Government.

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